AI i job- og praktiksøgning

AI i job- og praktiksøgning

Du er nødt til at hjælpe maskinen
Skil dig ud. Det er et af vigtigste råd, når du laver cv og ansøgning, og når du i det hele taget tager kontakt til en potentiel samarbejdspartner. Dit materiale og din tilgang bør være personlig og tilpasset til virksomheden. Derfor kan generativ AI ikke stå alene.
Du kan sagtens bruge generativ AI konstruktivt i processen. Du skal blot være opmærksom på at bruge det med kritisk refleksion. AI’ens output er generelt, så du er nødt til selv at komme på banen og fx fortælle om dig og din profil, når du fx søger job.
Kilde: Ballisagers rekrutteringsanalyse 2023
Hvordan siger virksomhederne til AI?
af virksomheder med mere end 10 ansatte bruger kunstig intelligens i dagligdagen.
97 %
bruger ikke AI til screening i rekrutteringsproces
78 %
maner til intet eller moderat brug af AI i ansøgningen
Den gode prompt
Når du arbejder med generativ AI, har det stor betydning, hvordan du interagerer med værktøjet (også kaldet prompting). Systemet er ikke klogere end det, du klæder det på til at være. Jo bedre input du giver det, jo bedre output kan du forvente.
Strategier for prompting
Undgå ‘zero-shot prompting’: Forvent ikke , at du med ét simpelt og kort spørgsmål eller kommando kan få et brugbart svar. Ofte kræver det en “dialog” i en iterativ proces, før du får styret systemet i retning af et svar, der passer til det, du vil bruge det til.
AI som digital vejleder
Forestil dig, at du skal bede din projektvejleder om input. Den mail, du sender, er ikke kun et kort spørgsmål, men indeholder informationer om, hvorfor du spørger, hvad du skal bruge det til, hvad du måske allerede har prøvet osv. Du skal klæde din vejleder på for at kunne hjælpe dig - det samme gælder en generativ AI.
5 trin til den gode prompt
Når generative AI’er har en god sprogforståelse samt generel viden om verden, skyldes det, at de er ‘pretrained’. Man siger, at de store modeller i grove træk har “læst” hele internettet.
Da ca. 2/3 af internettet består af tekster på engelsk, betyder det også, at modellernes evner er langt bedre på engelsk end på andre mindre sprog (fx dansk). Desuden betyder det, at de ofte er biased i en angelsaksisk retning, hvad angår kultur og værdier. Vær opmærksom på det, når du fortolker deres output.
Det har derfor betydning, hvilket sprog du interagerer med AI’erne på, og det anbefales at bruge engelsk for det bedst mulige output.
De fleste store AI’er er generelle sprogmodeller, som ikke er trænet med ét formål for øje. Det betyder, at det kan være svært for systemet at vide fra hvilket perspektiv den skal forstå dit spørgsmål og give dig et brugbart svar.
Derfor kan det være nyttigt at give den en rolle. Tænk over “Hvem i den virkelige verden ville være bedst til at besvare mit spørgsmål?”
Det kan også være brugbart at fortælle den, hvor du ser verden fra, som en del af at forstå konteksten for din forespørgsel. Fx ved at fortælle at du er studerende på en bachelor eller kandidatuddannelse på Aalborg Universitet i Danmark.
- “Act as an experienced recruiting consultant with extensive knowledge of the Danish labor market"
- "Act as an emphatic career counsellor from a Danish university"
- "Act as an innovative business consultant with extensive industry knowledge within green energy in Europe"
For at give AI’en de bedste forudsætninger for at komme med et brugbart svar, må du give den en forståelse for konteksten.
Tænk over, hvilke overvejelser der ligger bag din forespørgsel. Hvorfor spørger du? Hvad skal du bruge det til? Hvad har du allerede prøvet? Hvad er det for noget data du evt. giver den? Prøv at sætte ord på alt det usagte og det "imellem linjerne". Samtidig bør du holde det konkret og konstruktivt.
- "I need your help to analyse the following Danish job ad. I’m a university master’s student and want help to figure out which skills it would be beneficial to highlight to make me stand out positively when writing my CV and cover letter for the ad in question."
En forespørgsel til en AI kan have mange formål. For eksempel at få feedback, at få rettet eller omformuleret en tekst, at få nye idéer, at få relevante modspørgsmål, der kan få dig til at tænke i nye baner eller teste din viden osv.
Da AI’en ikke ved, hvad det er, du tænker, når du spørger den, er du nødt til at eksplicitere det.
- Hvis du eksempelvis skriver “proofread the following text” så gør AI’en det. Men da den ikke ved, hvad målet er, kan outputtet være meget tilfældigt. I stedet kan du fortælle den, at målet er en grammatisk korrekt tekst: “Proofread the following Danish text, which is an introduction to a cover letter for a job application, and make sure to correct grammar and punctuation according to official Danish orthography".
AI’en ved ikke, hvad du forestiller dig, så det er du nødt til at fortælle den.
Beskriv det optimale output. Vil du have en tekst, et billede, en tabel, en grafik eller en punktliste? Hvis outputtet er tekst, skal teksten så være professionel, humoristisk, indeholde emojis, skrevet i mange små afsnit eller få store, vil du bare have ét svar, eller vil du gerne have 3 forskellige bud osv.?
Måske ved du ikke, hvad du ønsker dig, og så kan du gamble og se, hvad den spytter ud. Men det kan kræve mange forsøg at ramme noget brugbart. Du kan i også bede om at få svaret i 3 forskellige udgaver, så du selv kan vurdere, hvilket der er bedst.
- "Make a 10 bullet list with ideas formulated in professional and business-like language"
- "Give me 3 different examples with ideas on how to articulate the section in creative ways"
Det kan være svært at vide, om du nu har fået det hele med, når du interagerer med en AI, og ofte kræver det en række iterationer, før du rammer præcis det, du ønsker.
En måde at komme endnu tættere på en god prompt er helt simpelt at spørge AI’en, om der er noget, den mangler viden om for at komme med det bedst mulige svar. Det virker banalt, men det har ofte en positiv effekt.
- Afslut fx din prompt med: "Before answering my inquiry, please help me improve the inquiry by asking me any relevant questions or giving suggestions for improvements"
Jo mere generel en prompt, du giver AI’en, jo mere generelt (og ubrugeligt) et svar får du.
De 5 kategorier i guiden er en metode til, hvordan du kan gøre din prompt målrettet og specifik, hvilket vil betyde, at dit svar i højere grad bliver godt.
Eksempel på en prompt sammensat af guidens 5 trin
“Act as an experienced recruiting consultant with extensive knowledge of the Danish labor market.
Analyse the following Danish job ad. I’m a university master’s student and want help to figure out which skills it would be beneficial to highlight to make me stand out positively when writing my CV and cover letter for the ad in question.
Make a 10 bullet list with ideas formulated in professional and business-like language.
Before answering my inquiry, please help me improve the inquiry by asking me any relevant questions or giving suggestions for improvements."
Hvilken AI skal jeg vælge?
Der findes mange forskellige værktøjer, der bruger generativ AI til forskellige formål. Nogle af de mest populære generelle værktøjer er ChatGPT (OpenAI), Copilot (Microsoft), Gemini (Google), Llama (Meta) og Claude (Anthropic).
Forskel på værktøjer
Nogle kan du kun bruge i specifikke lande, nogle har betalte og gratis versioner (med stor forskel), nogle beror på viden fra deres databaser, mens andre også kan finde viden online osv. Vær opmærksom på, hvad det er bygget til og vilkårene for anvendelsen.
Copilot på AAU
Som studerende på AAU har du med dit AAU-login adgang til Copilot Enterprise fra Microsoft, hvor dine data er beskyttet, og din historik (hverken spørgsmål eller svar) ikke gemmes eller risikerer at blive brugt til andre formål. En af fordelene ved Copilot er, at den giver dig en række internetkilder til, hvorfor den foreslår, som den gør, så du lettere kan at tjekke op på kvaliteten og relevansen af svaret.
6 konkrete eksempler
Sådan kan du bruge AI til din karriere
Herunder finder du 6 eksempler på, hvordan du kan bruge AI til fx kompetenceafklaring, jobsøgning og at finde mulige karriereveje. Eksemplerne er lavet med udgangspunkt i Copilot. De er udpenslet med prompts, svar og en udpensling af det arbejde, maskinen ikke kan gøre for dig.
Analyse af jobopslag
Få inspiration til, hvordan du kan afkode et jobopslag med fokus på opslagets kompetenceprofil. Det vil hjælpe dig med at kunne udarbejde et mere relevant cv og ansøgning til stillingen.
1. Prompt
Act as an experienced recruiting consultant with extensive knowledge of the Danish labor market.
Analyse the following job ad. I’m a university master’s student and want help to figure out which skills (general, professional and personal skills) I need to highlight to make me stand out positively when writing my CV and cover letter.
Make a 10 bullet list with ideas formulated in professional and business-like language.
Before answering my inquiry, please help me improve the inquiry by asking me any relevant questions or giving suggestions for improvements.
1. Svar fra Copilot
Certainly! Let’s start by analyzing the job ad. Please provide the text of the job ad you’d like me to review, and I’ll help you identify the key skills you should highlight in your CV and cover letter. 😊
2. Prompt
[Den fulde tekst fra et konkret jobopslag indsættes uden yderligere forklaring]
2. Svar fra Copilot
Certainly! Based on the job ad for the Quality Manager position at Dancop, here are 10 key skills you should highlight in your CV and cover letter:
1. Quality Management: Emphasize your practical experience in quality assurance and your ability to manage the Dancop Quality System. Highlight any achievements related to ISO 9001 compliance and continuous improvement.
2. ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance): Showcase your interest in ESG and your willingness to drive its implementation within the organization. Mention your data-driven approach and readiness to comply with future CSRD reporting requirements.
3. Analytical Mindset: Highlight your analytical skills, especially since your educational background is not specified. Demonstrate how you can apply critical thinking to quality-related challenges.
4. IT Proficiency: Emphasize your familiarity with using a PC and Microsoft Office. If you have experience with Microsoft Dynamics Navision, mention it as an advantage.
5. Internal Auditing: Discuss your ability to conduct internal audits of quality systems and work processes. Highlight any improvements or efficiencies you’ve implemented.
6. ISO 9001 Knowledge: Showcase your understanding of ISO 9001:2015 standards and your role in developing and maintaining the Dancop Quality System accordingly.
7. Project Coordination: Describe your experience coordinating quality-related projects. Mention collaboration with other departments and your ability to set and achieve quality targets.
8. Effective Communication: Highlight your communication skills, both verbal and non-verbal. Effective communication with technical and non-technical employees is crucial.
9. Structured Approach: Emphasize your structured and systematic work style while maintaining flexibility. Discuss how you handle complex situations and achieve results.
10. Ownership and Proactivity: Stress your determination, independence, and proactive attitude. Show that you take ownership of quality across all areas and contribute significantly to the organization’s ISO 9001 certification goal.
Remember to tailor these points to your specific experiences and achievements. Good luck with your application! 😊
Mennesket i AI-processen
Da AI’ens output er en generel beskrivelse af, hvordan MAN kan tale om de udvalgte kompetencer, er du nødt til selv at komme på banen. Ellers taler du bare jobopslaget og virksomheden efter munden, og det vil ikke fortælle dem noget om dig og din profil (hvilket netop er det du ønsker).
Sådan gør du
Brug outputtet som inspiration og tænk over, hvordan du kan vise, at du kan arbejde med de nævnte kompetenceområder. Hvad har du af relevant erfaring (fx relevante semesterprojekter), og hvilke muligheder ser du fremadrettet i arbejdet med og udviklingen af de forskellige tematikker?
Idéer til kompetenceprofil og muligheder
Lær, hvordan du kan bruge generativ AI til at få inspiration til, hvordan du kan sætte ord på dine kompetencer og finde relevante muligheder for samarbejde og job.
1. prompt
Act as an experienced university outreach consultant with extensive knowledge of the Danish labour market.
Help me to better understand what skills I have from my degree at the university that are relevant to the labour market and how they are relevant. Also help me to get ideas for what kinds of jobs (jobtitle and company name) that could be relevant opportunities with my profile.
I will provide you with 3 inputs:
1. The general presentation of my degree
2. The curriculum from my degree
3. Titles of the projects I have done during my degree
Make a table that summarises my skills and connects the skills to the ideas for jobs and opportunities.
Before answering my inquiry, please help me improve the inquiry by asking me any relevant questions or giving suggestions for improvements.
1. Svar fra copilot
As an experienced university outreach consultant, I’m here to assist you in bridging the gap between your academic achievements and the Danish labour market. To provide you with the most accurate and helpful advice, I have a few questions that will allow me to tailor my guidance to your unique situation:
1. Degree Presentation: Could you please share the general presentation of your degree? This would include the name of the degree, the focus areas, and any particular emphasis that the program has.
2. Curriculum Details: Can you provide the curriculum or a list of courses from your degree? This will help identify specific skills and knowledge areas you’ve developed.
3. Project Titles: What are the titles of the projects you have completed during your degree? This will give insight into your practical experience and any specialized topics you’ve explored.
Additionally, it would be helpful to know:
- Personal Interests: What are your personal interests or industries you’re passionate about?
- Career Goals: Do you have any specific career goals or companies you aspire to work for?
- Soft Skills: What soft skills (communication, teamwork, leadership, etc.) do you believe you possess?
Technical Skills: Are there any technical skills or tools you’re proficient in?
Once you provide these details, I’ll be able to create a comprehensive table summarizing your skills and connecting them to potential job opportunities and titles. This will also include suggestions for companies that align with your profile. Looking forward to your response!
2. prompt
Degree presentation:
Curriculum details:
Project titles:
- Sickle Cell Anemia: Gene expression, genotyping and future treatment
- Characterization of Novel Functional Amyloids
- Cancer metastasis and bone degradation: Proteases in bone degradation
Personal interests: future treatment possibilities, the wellbeing of patients during treatment, ethical approaches to development of new treatments, I like to work with innovating and cumming op with new ideas and solutions to problems.
Career goals: to be a part of something that makes sense in a bigger way than just selling stuff and making money, i'd like to start my career of in denmark and then maybe later look for more international jobs.
Soft skills: teamwork and collaboration, presentation, attention to details and an innovative mindset.
Technical skills: laboratory skills, PCR, latex, Genomics and Bioinformatics, data analysis.
2. svar fra copilot
Based on the information you’ve provided, here’s a table that summarizes your skills and connects them to potential job opportunities and companies that could be relevant for your profile:
[se billede af tabel nedenfor]
Bemærk, at tabellen fra Copilot kan redigeres i excel ved at klikke på excel-ikonet i øverste højre hjørne.
These roles are aligned with your interests in innovation, patient wellbeing, and ethical treatment development. Starting your career in Denmark with these positions can provide a strong foundation for future international opportunities. Remember, the Danish labour market highly values collective agreements and social responsibility, which aligns well with your career goals.
For international career opportunities, organizations like the World Health Organization (WHO), United Nations (UN), and various non-governmental organizations (NGOs) offer roles that make a global impact and align with your desire to contribute meaningfully beyond profit-making.
Keep in mind that the job market is dynamic, and the relevance of your skills may evolve over time. It’s important to stay updated with industry trends and continue developing your skill set.

3. prompt
Thx. Could you give me examples of positions that combine two or more of the skills in the table?
3. svar fra copilot
Certainly! Here are a few examples of positions that combine multiple skills from your profile:
Clinical Research Scientist
Skills: Laboratory Skills, PCR, Data Analysis, Ethical Development of Treatments, Wellbeing of Patients
Relevance: This role involves conducting clinical trials, analyzing results, and ensuring ethical standards are met, all while focusing on patient wellbeing.
Biotech Innovation Manager
Skills: Innovation & Problem Solving, Genomics & Bioinformatics, Presentation & Attention to Details
Relevance: Responsible for leading innovative projects, utilizing genomics data, and presenting findings accurately and effectively.
Regulatory Affairs Specialist
Skills: Ethical Development of Treatments, Attention to Details, Genomics and Bioinformatics
Relevance: Ensures that products meet all of the regulatory ethical standards, requires meticulous attention to detail, and often involves understanding genomic data for compliance.
Bioinformatician in Oncology
Skills: Genomics & Bioinformatics, Data Analysis, Proteases in Bone Degradation
Relevance: Specializes in analyzing genomic data related to cancer, contributing to research on metastasis and bone degradation.
Quality Assurance Analyst in Biotechnology
Skills: Attention to Details, Laboratory Skills, Ethical Development of Treatments
Relevance: Focuses on ensuring the quality and ethical compliance of biotechnological products or treatments.
Patient Advocacy Manager in Clinical Trials
Skills: Wellbeing of Patients, Ethical Development of Treatments, Teamwork & Collaboration
Relevance: Works to represent the interests of patients in clinical trials, ensuring their wellbeing is prioritized and ethical standards are upheld.
These positions reflect a combination of technical expertise, ethical considerations, and a focus on patient care, which are all important aspects of your degree and personal interests. They also align with your goal of contributing to meaningful work in the field of biotechnology.
4. prompt
Thx. This is helpful. Are there any of these types of positions currently available in Denmark?
4. svar fra copilot
You’re welcome! I’m glad to hear that the information was helpful. Regarding the current job openings in Denmark for the positions we discussed, here are some options:
Clinical Research Scientist:
- Entry Level Clinical Research Associate (Home-Based, Anywhere In Denmark) at Global Life Science Jobs near Copenhagen.
- Experienced Clinical Research Associate (Home-Based, Anywhere In Denmark) at Global Life Science Jobs near Copenhagen.
- Entry Level Clinical Research Associate (Home-Based, Anywhere In Denmark) at Medpace near Copenhagen.
Biotech Innovation Manager:
- Product Marketing Manager, Biopharma Software at Thermo Fisher Scientific.
- Life Sciences - Pharma & Biotechnology Talent Pipeline For Internships at Novo Nordisk.
- EMEA Marketing Program Manager - Pharma Biopharma-Marketing at Agilent Technologies.
Regulatory Affairs Specialist:
- Senior/Specialist, Regulatory Affairs - Denmark- Consultant- Home-Based at Worldwide Clinical Trials near Copenhagen.
- Regulatory Affairs position at Pepsico Nordic Denmark ApS near København.
- Regulatory Affairs Assistant at Zentiva Denmark ApS near København.
Bioinformatician in Oncology:
While specific positions for a Bioinformatician in Oncology were not found, there are related positions in the field of bioinformatics and data analysis that may be of interest.
Quality Assurance Analyst in Biotechnology:
There are several positions related to Quality Assurance in Denmark, which might align with your skills and interests.
Patient Advocacy Manager in Clinical Trials:
A specific role titled “Patient Advocacy Manager” was not found, but roles related to patient engagement and clinical research management are available, which may include patient advocacy responsibilities.
These positions are currently advertised and could be a good fit based on the skills and interests you’ve mentioned. It’s always a good idea to check the latest job postings and company websites for the most up-to-date information, as the job market is dynamic and opportunities can arise at any time. Good luck with your job search!
Mennesket i AI-processen
Det er altid vigtigt at forholde sig kritisk til de oplysninger, som du får fra en generativ AI. Den er ikke ekspert på alle områder, men den er høflig og vil sjældent sige, at den ikke har det svar, du søger. I stedet kan den finde på at opfinde et svar. Forhold dig derfor kritisk og sørg for at kvalitetstjekke det output, som modellen giver dig.
Husk også, at det svar, vi ser i dialogen her, ikke er det eneste svar på det spørgsmål, der stilles i prompten, men ét bud iblandt mange andre, man også kunne have kommet med. Så tag det for hvad det er: ét bud og måske ikke det rigtige (for dig), men måske kan svaret og dialogen inspirere dig til at tænke nyt og anderledes.
Feedback på jobansøgning
Se et eksempel på, hvordan du med den rette prompt kan få generativ AI til at give dig brugbar feedback på din jobansøgning.
1. Prompt
Act as an experienced career consultant at a Danish university.
Help me improve my cover letter for a specific job at Frivilligcenter Slagelse. I'll provide you with the job ad and my draft for the cover letter. I’m a university master’s student about to graduate from a master in learning and innovative change (Danish title: læring og forandringsprocesser) and I want ideas on how I can improve my chances of getting the job by building the best possible cover letter that make me stand out as a relevant candidate for the position.
Give me at least 5 ideas to how I can improve the cover letter. The ideas can be both big and small and for instance be about how the cover letter is a match to the job ad or how specific sections or sentences of my cover letter can be improved. Help me understand why you suggest the things you do by argumenting for the potential improvement the changes could make.
Before answering my inquiry, please help me improve the inquiry by asking me any relevant questions or giving suggestions for improvements.
1. svar fra copilot
I’d be happy to assist you in enhancing your cover letter for the position at Frivilligcenter Slagelse. To provide you with the most effective advice, I have a few questions that will help me understand your application better:
1. Job Description: Could you share the job advertisement or describe the key qualifications and responsibilities listed? This will help ensure that your cover letter addresses the specific requirements and expectations of the role.
2. Your Draft: Please provide the current draft of your cover letter. Understanding your initial approach will allow me to offer targeted suggestions for improvement.
3. Relevant Experience: Do you have any prior volunteer work, internships, or projects that are particularly relevant to this job? Highlighting specific experiences can demonstrate your suitability for the position.
4. Skills and Competencies: What are the core skills and competencies you’ve gained from your master’s program that you believe are applicable to this job?
5. Personal Motivation: What motivates you to apply for this job at Frivilligcenter Slagelse? Expressing genuine enthusiasm and personal connection can make your application stand out.
Once I have this information, I’ll be able to provide you with at least five concrete ideas to improve your cover letter, explaining why each suggestion could enhance your chances of securing the job.
2. prompt
1. The job description can be found here:
2. My draft is this: [indsæt dit udkast til jobansøgningen her]
3, 4, 5: In my draft I try to highlight my relevant experience, skills and competencies, and personal motivation. Some of these topics would also show from the CV that I will attach to the cover letter. Let me know if you think there are other relevant skills from my academic degree that it could be an advantage to empathise.
2. svar fra copilot
Thank you for sharing your draft, Pernille. It’s a strong starting point, and with a few enhancements, it can be even more compelling. Here are five ideas to improve your cover letter:
1. Personalize Your Opening: Your current opening is good, but consider starting with a powerful personal anecdote that connects your passion for community and volunteer work with the mission of Frivilligcenter Slagelse. This can immediately engage the reader and set a personal tone.
2. Highlight Specific Skills: You’ve mentioned your academic background and experience with project work. To strengthen this, pinpoint specific skills you’ve acquired, such as conflict resolution, strategic planning, or digital communication, and relate them directly to the job’s requirements.
3. Quantify Your Impact: Where possible, quantify your achievements. For example, instead of saying “I have experience with problembaseret projektarbejde,” you could say “I successfully led a team of 10 in a project that increased volunteer retention by 20%.”
4. Show Your Understanding of the Role: Demonstrate a clear understanding of the role by discussing how you would approach the two key projects mentioned in the job description. Offer a brief vision or a specific strategy that shows you’ve thought about what you can bring to the role.
5. Close with a Call to Action: End your cover letter by expressing your eagerness to discuss how your skills and experiences align with the center’s goals in an interview. This shows initiative and confidence.
Remember, the goal of the cover letter is to make the reader want to learn more about you. Each paragraph should serve a purpose and move the narrative forward, showcasing why you are the ideal candidate for the position. Good luck!
Mennesket i AI-processen
Copilots råd er slet ikke dårlige, men de er også ret overordnede, og det er op til dig selv at finde ud af, hvordan du skal føre rådene ud i livet.
Husk, at Copilots træningsdata primært består af engelsk, så dens råd ofte stammer fra engelske og amerikanske tilgange til emnet.
I dette tilfælde er det vigtigt at have for øje, at jobsøgning som disciplin kan variere meget mellem forskellige kulturer. Derfor skal du ikke nødvendigvis tage alle rådene for gode varer. Brug dem som inspiration og reflekter over, hvilke du selv kan stå inde for, så din ansøgning fortsat bliver personlig.
Relevansen af projekt eller speciale
Det kan være svært at se en kobling imellem det projekt, man har lavet, og hvordan det kan bruges til noget uden for universitetet. Se, hvordan AI kan hjælpe med netop det.
1. prompt
Act as an experienced career advisor at a university with extensive knowledge of humanities studies and the Danish labor market.
I'm about to finish my Master of Arts (MA) in Danish (Danish title: cand.mag i dansk). Based on my master's thesis, can you help me understand how I can use my academic profile and the knowledge from my thesis for inspiration for applying for jobs? What industries are suitable for my profile and what transferable skills do I have from my degree and my thesis? I will provide you with the abstract of my thesis for background knowledge.
Make a list of ideas that are both ordinary and expected but also include creative and news ways of thinking about my profile and the opportunities it could open for me.
Before answering my inquiry, please help me improve the inquiry by asking me any relevant questions or giving suggestions for improvements.
1. svar fra copilot
It’s great to hear that you’re about to finish your MA in Danish! To better assist you, I have a few questions that will help clarify your inquiry and ensure that my suggestions are tailored to your unique profile:
Thesis Abstract: Could you please provide the abstract of your thesis? Understanding the specific subject matter and the skills you honed while working on it will be crucial.
Skills and Interests: Apart from your thesis, what other skills or areas of interest have you developed during your studies? This can include internships, extracurricular activities, or personal projects.
Career Aspirations: Do you have any specific industries or roles you’re already considering? Knowing your career aspirations can help identify how your academic background can be leveraged.
Work Experience: Have you had any work experience, whether part-time, full-time, or internships, related to your field of study or otherwise?
Geographical Preference: Are you open to relocation, or are you looking to work within a certain area in Denmark?
Values and Impact: What kind of impact do you wish to make in your career? Are there certain values or sectors (like non-profit, education, corporate) that align more with your personal goals?
Once you provide this information, I can help you craft a list of potential job industries, roles, and the transferable skills from your degree and thesis that will be valuable in the job market. Additionally, I’ll suggest creative ways to think about your profile that could open up unique opportunities for you.
2. prompt
Thesis abstract:
[indsæt abstract her]
Skills and interests: I enjoy writing and communication in creative ways, I love Danish literature and always keep up to date on new authors, I've been writing a bit of poetry in my spare time.
Career aspirations: I'd like to work with writing and communication but also if possible with teaching or facilitation if these interests can be combined.
Work experience: I've worked as a copywriter, a library assistant, and service employee at a gas station. I've also worked on a series of larger written PBL projects during my studies.
Geographical preference: Preferable in the northern part of jutland in Denmark, but I'm also open if the right opportunity comes along.
Values and impact: I have a hard time seeing my self in a strictly corporate setup where money and shareholder value are primary concerns. In terms of impact, I would like to help carry on the Danish literary heritage in some way.
2. svar fra copilot
Based on your academic background, skills, and interests, here are some ideas for industries and roles that could suit your profile, along with the transferable skills from your degree and thesis:
Industries Suitable for Your Profile:
- Academic Institutions: Your thesis indicates a deep understanding of literature, which can be valuable in educational settings.
- Publishing Houses: Your writing and analytical skills could be beneficial in editorial roles.
- Cultural Organizations: Institutions focusing on literary heritage would value your expertise in Danish literature.
- Non-Profit Sector: Organizations that deal with grief support or cultural preservation could align with your values.
- Creative Industries: Your creative writing skills could find a place in industries like advertising or media.
Transferable Skills from Your Degree and Thesis:
- Analytical Skills: Ability to analyze texts and themes critically.
- Communication Skills: Proficiency in conveying complex ideas effectively.
- Research Skills: Experience in conducting thorough research and synthesizing information.
- Empathy: Understanding of human emotions, useful in roles that require sensitivity.
- Writing Skills: Crafting narratives and expressing ideas creatively.
Creative and New Ways to Think About Your Profile:
- Literary Therapy Facilitator: Use literature as a tool for healing in therapeutic settings.
- Cultural Heritage Consultant: Advise organizations on preserving and promoting Danish literary heritage.
- Grief Counselor: Utilize your understanding of grief in literature to support individuals in mourning.
- Community Engagement Coordinator: Foster literary appreciation and cultural activities in local communities.
- Digital Content Creator: Start a blog or podcast discussing new Danish literature and grief portrayal in arts.
Job Opportunities:
- Teaching: Look for positions in universities or schools in Northern Jutland that focus on Danish literature or humanities.
- Communication Roles: Explore opportunities in communication, such as public relations, within organizations that align with your values.
- Writing and Editorial Work: Consider roles in publishing or freelance writing that allow you to engage with contemporary literature.
Remember, your unique combination of skills and interests, particularly your expertise in Danish literature and understanding of grief portrayal, makes you a strong candidate for roles that require depth of thought, empathy, and creativity. Keep an open mind, and don’t hesitate to explore unconventional paths that may lead to fulfilling career opportunities. Good luck!
3. prompt
Thank you - very informative. I'm considering moving to Norway. Could you give me ideas for specific current jobs in Norway (with job title and name of the organisation) that could be a match for my profile, interests, and values based on what I already told you about me.
3. svar fra copilot
Certainly! Based on your profile, interests, and values, here are some specific job opportunities in Norway that could be a good match for you:
Academic Positions:
- PhD Candidate in Applied Ethics at the Norwegian University of Science & Technology - NTNU.
- PhD Research Fellow in International Business at the University of Agder (UiA).
- Doctoral Research Fellowship in Philosophy at the University of Oslo.
Language Specialist Roles:
- Nordic Language Job Opportunities with a Relocation Package to Crete at Teleperformance.
- Transcriber With Danish at TELUS International AI Data Solutions in Oslo.
- Danish Transcriber with a Relocation Package & Welcome AI Bonus at TELUS International AI Data Solutions in Oslo.
Cultural Organizations:
- Global Corporate Relations Adviser at the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC).
- Deputy Regional Representative Europe at the Norwegian Red Cross.
- Norwegian speaking intern at the UNDP Nordic Representation Office in Oslo.
Non-Profit Sector:
- Grants Coordinator at the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC).
I- nternships - Head Office at the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC).
Creative Writing and Communication:
You may explore freelance content writing and creative writing opportunities on platforms like Upwork, where various projects are available that could match your skills in writing and communication.
Teaching Positions:
While specific job titles are not provided, you can look for teaching positions in Norwegian universities, international schools, or private institutions that might require expertise in Danish literature and language.
Remember to check the individual job listings for the most current information and to ensure that they align with your qualifications and work authorization status. Good luck with your job search!
Mennesket i AI-processen
I eksemplet her er det tydeligt, at selvom Copilot kommer med nogle gode generelle råd og idéer, så rammer den også markant forbi. Fx ved at foreslå en ph.d. i international business eller et doktorstipendiat.
Man ville ved at fortsætte dialogen formentlig kunne guide Copilot til at kunne komme med endnu bedre svar, men det vil kræve, at man netop selv reflekterer kritisk over dens forslag og dels forholder sig til, om de er realistiske, men også om de er ønskværdige ift. det, som man personligt synes er interessant og relevant.
Så selvom Copilot kan give gode bud og inspirere til nye tanker, undgår man ikke at have mennesket med i AI-processen, og det giver ikke mening at forestille sig en iteration af prompts og svar, som vil være gavnlige og gældende for alle cand.mag'er i Dansk.
Træning af jobsamtale
Det kan være svært at forestille sig, hvordan en jobsamtale kan udspille sig, og hvilke spørgsmål virksomheden kan finde på at stille. AI kan ikke svare på det hele, men med den rigtige prompt kan du bruge den til at træne og være bedre forberedt.
1. prompt
Act as an experienced recruiting consultant specialised in high quality job interviews to find relevant candidates for specific open positions.
Help me analyse a job description and provide me a list of at least 10 possible questions that it would be relevant for a recruiter to ask me in an interview for the position.
Before answering my inquiry, please help me improve the inquiry by asking me any relevant questions or giving suggestions for improvements of my instruction.
1. svar fra copilot
Certainly! To provide you with the most relevant interview questions, I would need some additional details about the job description. Here are some questions and suggestions to refine your inquiry:
1. Job Title and Industry
What is the title of the position, and in which industry is it located?
2. Key Responsibilities
Could you outline the main responsibilities associated with the role?
3. Required Skills and Qualifications
What specific skills, qualifications, or experiences are required for this position?
4. Company Culture
What can you tell me about the company’s culture and values?
5. Performance Goals
What are the short-term and long-term performance goals for someone in this position?
6. Team Structure
Will the candidate be working as part of a team? If so, what is the team’s structure?
7. Challenges and Opportunities
Are there any specific challenges or opportunities that come with this role?
8. Location and Travel
Is the position based in a specific location, and is there any travel involved?
9. Growth Potential
What are the prospects for professional development and career advancement?
10. Diversity and Inclusion
How does the company approach diversity and inclusion in the workplace?
Once you provide this information, I can craft a list of interview questions that are tailored to the specific requirements of the job and the company’s expectations. This will ensure that the questions are relevant and help identify the most suitable candidates for the position.
2. prompt
I don't have answers for all these questions. The position is described in this job ad: Look for answers for your list of questions in the ad and answer my initial inquiry.
2. svar fra copilot
Based on the job advertisement for an Experienced Sustainability Consultant for the new department of Sustainable Governance at Sund & Bælt, here are 10 relevant interview questions that a recruiter might ask:
1. Experience with CSRD
“Can you discuss your experience with implementing the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and how you’ve developed sustainability reporting in previous roles?”
2. KPI Development
“How have you approached the development of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for sustainability efforts in the past?”
3. Cross-Functional Collaboration
“This role requires close collaboration with specialists and experts. Can you provide an example of how you’ve successfully worked across different departments to achieve sustainability goals?”
4. Data Management
“What experience do you have with data handling and using KPIs to drive sustainability initiatives?”
5. Sustainability Strategy
“Can you describe a sustainability strategy you’ve developed or contributed to in your previous position?”
6. Project Management
“Do you have any formal project management training or experience leading projects, particularly in sustainability?”
7. EU Taxonomy Regulation
“How familiar are you with the EU’s taxonomy regulation, and how have you applied it in your work?”
8. Reporting and Documentation
“What has been your approach to sustainability reporting and what challenges have you faced in this area?”
9. Academic Background
“Can you tell us about your academic background and how it has prepared you for a role in sustainability governance?”
10. Language Proficiency
“The job requires fluency in English. Can you provide examples of professional situations where you’ve used English to communicate complex sustainability concepts?”
These questions are designed to assess the candidate’s experience and skills relevant to the job description provided in the advertisement1. They cover various aspects of the role, including technical knowledge, experience with EU regulations, project management, and communication skills.
3. prompt
What could be other relevant questions as a part of a job interview besides questions about the professional skills?
3. svar fra copilot
Certainly! Besides questions about professional skills, here are some other relevant interview questions that can provide insights into a candidate’s suitability for the role:
Behavioral Questions
- “Tell me about a time when you had to handle a difficult situation or conflict at work. How did you approach it?”
- “Describe a project where you had to work under tight deadlines. How did you manage your time and prioritize tasks?”
- “Can you share an example of a successful collaboration with a colleague or team?”
- “How do you handle stress or pressure in the workplace?”
Cultural Fit and Values
- “What motivates you to work in a sustainable governance role?”
- “How do you align with our company’s mission and values?”
- “What kind of work environment do you thrive in?”
Adaptability and Learning
- “How do you stay updated on industry trends and changes?”
- “Tell me about a time when you had to quickly learn a new skill or adapt to a new process.”
Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking
- “Give an example of a complex problem you’ve solved related to sustainability. What steps did you take?”
- “How do you approach decision-making when faced with conflicting priorities?”
Communication and Stakeholder Management
- “How do you communicate sustainability initiatives to different audiences, including non-experts?”
- “Tell me about a time when you had to influence stakeholders to support a sustainability project.”
Self-Reflection and Growth
- “What areas of your professional development are you actively working on?”
- “How do you handle feedback and use it to improve?”
Remember that these questions can help assess not only the candidate’s technical abilities but also their interpersonal skills, adaptability, and alignment with the company culture. Feel free to tailor them further based on the specific requirements of the role and your organization.
4. prompt
Can you help me train the interview for the position? Ask me one questions at a time and follow up with relevant questions based of my response.
4. svar fra copilot
Certainly! Let’s start with the first question:
Question 1
Can you share an example of a sustainability project you’ve worked on in the past? What was your role, and what impact did the project have?
Mennesket i AI-processen
Det er altid vigtigt at forholde sig kritisk til det output, du får fra en generativ AI. Det, du kan se i dialogen ovenfor, er hverken svaret på, hvilke spørgsmål du vil møde til samtalen eller svar på, hvilke spørgsmål der oftest stilles – men nok noget et sted midt imellem.
Sprogmodellen bag Copilot har læst en masse om rekruttering og jobsamtaler og kombinerer dette med det konkrete opslag for at komme med et generelt bud på spørgsmål til et specifikt jobopslag.
Spørgsmålene kommer med stor sandsynlighed fra en angelsaksisk kulturel forståelse af, hvad god rekruttering indebærer, hvilket ikke nødvendigvis stemmer overens med en dansk eller nordisk tilgang.
Den kender ikke mere til konteksten end det opslag, vi har fodret den med. Den ved fx ikke, hvilken situation virksomheden står i, hvorfor de rekrutterer lige nu, hvad de specifikt leder efter eller hvilke målsætninger de har. Men bemærk, at den faktisk efterspørger denne viden i starten af dialogen for netop at kvalificere dens mulige svar.
Så tag det for, hvad det er – det er et forslag, og det hele er fiktivt. Men når det er sagt, så stiller den en række spørgsmål, som det vil være gavnligt at reflektere over inden samtalen.
AI som sparringspartner
Generativ AI kan ikke kun bruges til at generere svar på dine spørgsmål; den kan også bruges til at kvalificere og udfordre din tænkning med spørgsmål, der får dig til at reflektere. Lær, hvordan du kan bruge AI på denne måde.
Sokrates var en klassisk græsk filosof, der betragtes som en af de grundlæggende skikkelser i den vestlige filosofi. Han levede i Athen fra ca. 470 f.Kr. til 399 f.Kr. og er kendt for sit bidrag til etik og epistemologi.
Sokrates er kendt for sine såkaldte sokratiske dialoger, der er litterære værker, hvor Sokrates ofte er hovedpersonen. Disse dialoger involverer typisk samtaler om moralske og filosofiske problemer.
Dialogerne illustrerer anvendelsen af den sokratiske metode, som er en form for undersøgende samtale. I denne metode stiller Sokrates spørgsmål for at udfordre og undersøge den anden parts viden og overbevisninger. Målet med metoden er at fremme kritisk tænkning og nå frem til en dybere forståelse af emnet.
Da sprogmodellerne bag generativ AI kender til filosofiske tekster og metoder, kan vi bede modellerne om at agere på samme måde ved at aktivere såkaldt ‘socratic-mode’.
Act as an experienced career advisor at a university with extensive knowledge of graduate employability and the labor market.
I'm about to graduate from my masters in Tourism at Aalborg University in Denmark, but I'm a bit unsure about how to handle the transition from university student to graduate and future employee.
Using socratic-mode, help me to gain insight into relevant perspectives of the process and help me to come up with ideas for how to be better suited to handle the transition.
Before answering my inquiry, please help me improve the inquiry by asking me any relevant questions or giving suggestions for improvements of my instructions
Svar fra Copilot
Certainly! Congratulations on nearing the completion of your master’s degree in Tourism at Aalborg University. The transition from being a student to a professional in the workforce can indeed be both exciting and challenging. Let’s explore some relevant perspectives and considerations to help you navigate this transition effectively:
Self-Reflection and Goal Setting
- What are your career aspirations?
Take some time to reflect on your long-term goals. Are you interested in working in a specific sector within tourism (e.g., hospitality, travel agencies, event management, sustainable tourism)?
- What skills and strengths do you possess?
Consider your academic achievements, practical experiences, and personal qualities. How can you leverage these to excel in your chosen field?
Networking and Building Connections
- Have you connected with industry professionals?
Attend networking events, conferences, and workshops related to tourism. Building relationships with professionals can provide valuable insights and potential job opportunities.
- Are you on LinkedIn?
Create or update your LinkedIn profile. Connect with alumni, professors, and professionals in the tourism industry. LinkedIn is a powerful tool for networking and job hunting.
Job Market Research
- What is the current job market like for tourism graduates?
Research job trends, demand, and salary expectations. Look for job postings to understand the skills and qualifications employers seek.
- Are there specific companies or organizations you’re interested in?
Investigate their hiring practices, company culture, and job openings.
Resume and Cover Letter Preparation
- Have you crafted a strong resume?
Tailor your resume to highlight relevant coursework, internships, and any specialized skills (e.g., languages, software proficiency).
- Do you know how to write an effective cover letter? Customize your cover letter for each application, emphasizing your passion for tourism and how your background aligns with the role.
Internships and Practical Experience
- Have you completed any internships or practical placements during your studies?
Practical experience is crucial for gaining industry-specific skills and building your professional network.
- Can you seek out additional internships or volunteer opportunities?
Even after graduation, consider short-term roles to gain practical exposure.
Continuous Learning and Skill Development
- Are there any gaps in your skillset?
Identify areas where you can improve (e.g., digital marketing, data analysis, customer service). Consider online courses or certifications.
- Stay updated with industry trends.
Tourism is dynamic, so staying informed about emerging technologies, sustainability practices, and global travel trends is essential.
Interview Preparation
- Have you practiced interview scenarios?
Prepare answers for common interview questions. Highlight your achievements, problem-solving abilities, and adaptability.
- Research the company before an interview. Understand their mission, values, and recent projects.
Embrace Adaptability and Resilience
- Are you open to different career paths within tourism?
Sometimes your first job might not be your dream role, but it can be a stepping stone.
- How do you handle setbacks?
Resilience is crucial. Job hunting can be challenging, but persistence pays off.
Remember that transitioning from academia to the workforce is a process, and it’s okay to feel uncertain. Seek guidance from career advisors, mentors, and professionals in the field. You’ve already taken an important step by seeking advice, and I’m here to assist you further! 😊
Mennesket i AI-processen
Da du med denne type af prompting-metode netop beder AI’en om ikke at give dig svar, men at stille dig spørgsmål, er det oplagt, at der her er brug for et menneske i AI-processen. “Dialogen” kan ikke fortsættes uden, at du kommer på banen og sætter dig selv og dine foreløbige tanker i spil.
Du vil opleve, at jo mere du engagerer dig og gør interaktionerne personlige, jo mere vil du også kunne få gavn af din sparring med AI’en. Hvis du svarer generelt, vil du også få generelle modspørgsmål. Men hvis du svarer personligt og oprigtigt, vil du kunne få spørgsmål, der rammer dig, og som derfor kan kvalificere dine videre refleksionsprocesser.
Som med så meget andet i forhold til interaktioner med generativ AI, må du bevæge dig fra det generelle til det specifikke niveau og klæde AI’en ordentligt på, før den kan komme med et brugbart output.
Forfattere til siden
Denne side er udarbejdet af AAU Karriere i samarbejde med Copilot Enterprise.